Under Armor
I was watching the movie Lone Survivor the other day where the Seal team was stuck in a major firefight in Afghanistan on some god forsaken hill. The part that struck me was the damage those guys took from bullet wounds and kept going. Simply amazing.
But my thought this morning (love those waking up ideas) was why can’t we develop some sort of light weight material that is either completely bullet proof or slows the bullet down significantly? Sure the former would be best but might not be entirely possible. The material I had in mind would be some sort of composite with overlapping layers on a molecular level. I mean imagine taking something as strong as say a spiders web and figuring out how to do the same thing but infinitely smaller and tighter. The ultimate goal would be to create a material like spandex that is light-weight but almost impervious to bullets and shrapnel.
Typical manufacturing concepts wouldn’t work given the composition of this. Instead I would imagine it would have to be poured into a mold of some sort. To maximize comfort/functionality you would likely do a body scan of the recipient and then the mold would be an exact fit.
What if you could also generate power from the wearers body heat and then convert that into electricity? This could conceivably power anything from a communication/navigation device to some sort of body regulating medical device.